PS Enterprise

Why Us

The best reel and spool service, selection, size and performance

Every reel and spool we produce reflects the strength and longevity of an industry leader. With the acquisition of Baker® Reels, Crellin® and EconoReel Corporation, ES Enterprise is one of the largest manufacturers of high-quality reels and spools.


Our Mission

To attain customer loyalty by providing the highest standards of quality products suitable for various business segments and for all age groups across Bangladesh and the world.
To focus on innovative production processes through constant research and development as well as to use a raw material and technology that is environment friendly and that further caters to the interests of the future generations.

Our Vision

To excel in serving the demands of paper and paper products worldwide.

Our Valuable Customer

PS Enterprise

Our Latest Work

What we Good At

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PS Enterprise

Mom Care

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut porta, nisi vulputate consequat euismod, diam dolor maximus nibh, in vulputate massa risus eu tellus. Curabitur sollicitudin convallis tellus, a venenatis dolor ultricies non. Maecenas eleifend consectetur urna, sed placerat massa sodales sit amet.

User Experience

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut porta, nisi vulputate consequat euismod, diam dolor maximus nibh, in vulputate massa risus eu tellus. Curabitur sollicitudin convallis tellus, a venenatis dolor ultricies non. Maecenas eleifend consectetur urna, sed placerat massa sodales sit amet.

PS Enterprise


PS Enterprise